Numbered picks have arrived for the Trade Calculator and Trade Database. Start your draft prep.


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Aw Shucks

We’re flattered you even stopped by this page. KeepTradeCut isn’t a “hidden behind a paywall” site - that’d be silly since we're built on community input. We are a “nights & weekends” passion project by two dynasty-obsessed web developers – and we won’t deny there’s some overhead involved in keeping the lights on and the site up and running (and constantly improving!).

KeepTradeCut is free to use, but if you’re finding the site useful and want to give back beyond your KTC contributions to the rankings, we’d be humbled and grateful.

How To Donate

To make going above and beyond as easy as possible, we have a few options:

If you do decide to donate, please accept our thanks and appreciation. If not, that’s of course fine too! The beauty of KeepTradeCut is that everyone helps just by being here.

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